Pink Bros. CoachesMy Grandfather was a partner in the Freshwater and Totland Motor Bus Company (Pink Brothers) which merged with the company owned by the Cooper Brothers to form the West Wight Bus Company. This was eventually bought out by the Southern Vectis bus company. I have a number of pictures, but little information about them, what I have is included. There are some pictures I have obtained from elsewhere, these are noted accordingly. Unfortunately, some of the pictures are a little unclear, but hopefully they will be of interest. Click on thumbnails to see full size prints (although some are not much bigger).
Pink Brothers business card
Pink Brothers Invoice 1936 (from West Wight Remembered by Eric Toogood) |
This Photo has the caption 'A church outing in Avenue Road, Totland in 1919. This is one of Pink's Coaches and the driver is Percy Luscombe. The destination is probably Osborne.' (From Britain in Old Pictures - The West Wight) I have been told that the caption incorrect, it was owned by George Luscombe of Shanklin and it was him at the wheel in the photograph. |
Arthur Pink in front of one of his buses in the late 30's |
Holdenweb 4 November 2008 |